Driftwood Furniture

It’s easy to find beautiful furniture these days but what’s not so easy is finding a piece that really belongs in your home or workplace. At Design by Drift, we offer a wide range of smaller driftwood furniture that would suit many different settings, however, for larger pieces, we recommend that you undertake the driftwood journey.

We don’t just view our clients as customers but as collaborators too. Most of our clientele have an active input in the creation of their driftwood furniture. By providing our carpenters with the setting, style and sometimes even choosing the raw materials they would like us to work with, we are able to create wonderful bespoke driftwood furniture that not only looks beautiful but reflects the style and the personality of our customers.

Head over to our Portfolio to see what we’ve been up to recently and find inspiration for your own commission.

If you would like to discuss your ideas, please get in touch for a free quotation. We have an extensive collection of materials to choose from for jobs both big and small.